International Conference
on Composition-Based Software Systems

2 - 6 February 2009,
    Houston, TX, USA

2008, Madrid, Spain

2007, Banff, Alberta, Canada

2006, Orlando FL, USA

2005, Bilbao, Spain

2004, Redondo Beach, USA

2003, Ottawa, Canada

2002, Orlando, USA



May 15, 2008

Three organizers of the International Conference on Composition-Based Software Systems (ICCBSS) - National Research Council, Canada, the Software Engineering Institute, USA, and the European Software Institute, Spain - had announced that the next conference would be held February 2-6, 2009 in Houston, TX, USA. Unfortunately, in light of recent organizational changes and uncertainties affecting more than one of the ICCBSS co-organizers, we have decided to postpone the next ICCBSS conference for 6 to 12 months. This is not a cancellation; we intend to use the time to re-group the conference series with respect to both scientific and organizational issues and form all information.

This decision is taken solely by the three organizers and is not a reflection on the many volunteers who had agreed to serve in various capacities for ICCBSS 2009. We sincerely apologize to them for this rescheduling.

We regret this decision but feel it is in the best interest of the conference in the long term, as we cannot currently guarantee our ability to continue our past level of effort. We will be exploring various options for going forward, including new sponsors and other conferences with which ICCBSS could join forces. We invite anyone with an interest in becoming a co-organizer, or who would like to share any ideas or suggestions with us, to contact us:

Anatol W. Kark, National Research Council, Canada - anatol.kark [at] nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Patricia Oberndorf, Software Engineering Institute - po [at] sei.cmu.edu
Stefan Schuster, European Software Institute - Stefan.Schuster [at] esi.es

Thank you for your past and future interest and involvement in this conference series, and please watch for future announcements.

Proceedings of past years

- 2008 conference

- 2007 conference

- 2005 conference

- 2004 conference

- 2003 conference

- 2002 conference